PUB001 Refugee resilience as a pathway for HIV preventionPublication OnlyD51
PUB002 HIV status disparities in substance use disorder treatment need and utilization among adults in the United States, 2015-2018: Implications for healthcare service accessPublication OnlyD46
PEB0278 Viral suppression by delivery and birth outcomes among pregnant women living with HIV using dolutegravir in the United States: A comparative effectiveness and safety analysisPoster ExhibitionB44
PEC0453 Frailty in HIV-positive and HIV-negative individuals across the adulthood and its association with comorbidity, depressive symptoms and sleep disordersPoster ExhibitionC12
PEC0663 Factor analysis of HIV prevention interventions for high-risk adolescent girls and young women in the DREAMS (Determined Resilient Empowered AIDS-free Mentored and Safe) program in Uganda (2016-2019)Poster ExhibitionC39
PDA0102 PD-1 expression is linked to NK cell dysfunction and advanced liver fibrosis in HIV/HCV-coinfected individualsPoster exhibitionA30
PDA0103 The CARD8 rs2043211 genetic variant and IL-33 plasma levels are associated with TB-HIV/IRIS onset in Brazilian individualsPoster exhibitionA30
PDA0104 Association of age and cervical cancer screening results in 11 urban health centers in Lusaka, ZambiaPoster exhibitionA29
PDA0105 Modelling endothelial function in vitro and via blood sampling to assess cardiovascular risk in people living with HIVPoster exhibitionA29
PDA0106 Innate lymphoid cells are reduced in pregnant HIV positive women and are associated with preterm birthPoster exhibitionA10
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