PEB0217 To dose-adjust or not to dose-adjust: 3TC dose in renal impairmentE-posterB27
PEE1481 Timely detection of people with HIV in Mexico: Effectiveness of community interventions and health care servicesE-posterE26
PDB0102 Time to viral rebound after interruption of modern antiretroviral therapiesPoster exhibitionB40
PEE1592 Time to repeat viral load testing following an unsuppressed viral load among adolescents and young adults in KenyaE-posterE36
PEC0757 Time to focus on risk perception and PrEP service availability to address PrEP discontinuation among men who have sex with men and transgender women in ThailandE-posterC47
PEB0095 Time to ART Initiation from HIV diagnosis and survival to fatal and non-fatal severe events: An analysis of the HIV Atlanta Veterans Affairs Cohort Study, 2005-2019E-posterB3
PEE1421 Time to ART initiation among newly-born HIV positive infants in 10 health facilities in the inner city of Johannesburg, South Africa: Results from a retrospective analysis of routine dataE-posterE22
PDA0205 TILRR modulates production of proinflammatory cytokines and promote leukocytes migration and may be a novel target to prevent HIV-1 vaginal infectionPoster exhibitionA5
PEC0662 Three years of a HIV/STI prevention program through geolocation apps in Barcelona, SpainE-posterC39
PEC0475 Three HIV incidence estimation methods reveal high incidence among female sex workers in Juba and Nimule, South SudanE-posterC15
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