PDF0204 Breaking down barriers: Engaging and training lawyers to improve health rights and access to care for people living with HIVPoster exhibitionF27
OAF0402 Breaking down human-rights related barriers to HIV and TB services in 20 countries. Soon everywhere?Oral abstract session with live Q&AF27
PED1201 Breaking down misconceptions about HIV among young people in Uganda - Straight talk approach to comprehensive sexuality education in UgandaE-posterD48
PED1272 Breastfeeding duration and correlates of breastfeeding cessation in EswatiniE-posterD61
PEE1513 Bridging the gap in viral load testing coverage and suppression among patients on anti-retroviral treatment in EthiopiaE-posterE31
PEE1675 'Bring back mother-baby pair' campaign initiative to improve retention in care: Experience from the Uganda program for prevention of mother to child transmission of HIVE-posterE48
PEE1721 Building a sustainable HIV case surveillance and response system for reaching epidemic control: Lessons learned from EthiopiaE-posterE50
OAE0403 Building capacity for management of patients on advanced ART regimens through guided practice using the ECHO tele-monitoring model in KenyaOral abstract session with live Q&AE31
PEF1748 Building community consensus on HIV/AIDS discrimination in Nigeria to encourage state action on anti-stigma lawE-posterF6
PDD0402 Building resilience for children affected by parental HIV in China: Efficacy of the multi-level ChildCARE intervention at 18-, 24-, 30-, and 36-monthsPoster exhibitionD35
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