PEB0228 High abstinence rates from a smoking cessation program embedded within an HIV clinicE-posterB29
PEB0229 The BICSTaR prospective cohort: Real-world effectiveness, safety and tolerability of bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (B/F/TAF) in routine clinical practice in people living with HIV (PLWH)E-posterB30
PEB0230 Very high baseline HIV viremia impairs efficacy of NNRTI-based ART: A long-term observation in treatment-naïve patientsE-posterB30
PEB0231 CD4:CD8 ratio normalization with modern antiretroviral regimensE-posterB30
PEB0232 Second-line dolutegravir or protease inhibitor for adults with HIV in rural Haiti with virologic failure on a first-line NNRTI-based regimen without available genotypeE-posterB30
PEB0233 Weight change among treatment naive women initiating dolutegravir in the ARIA studyE-posterB30
PEB0234 Clinical outcomes of heavily treatment experienced individuals in the OPERA CohortE-posterB31
PEB0235 Real life study with dual therapy in a HIV-1 treatment experienced Portuguese cohortE-posterB32
PEB0236 Persons Living With HIV (PLWH) in Japan on 2-drug regimen reveal more complex patient profiles than that of a 3-drug regimen cohortE-posterB32
PEB0237 Durability of dual antiretroviral regimens and factors associated with discontinuation in the clinical practiceE-posterB32
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