PEC0598 Acceptability and feasibility of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis implementation among key populations in NepalE-posterC35
PEC0737 Acceptability and adherence to pre-exposure prophylaxis among high-risk populations of HIV infection in Beira Corridor, Manica Province, MozambiqueE-posterC47
PEE1453 Accelerating rapid ART in Jakarta, Indonesia: Fast-tracking national policy to systematic practiceE-posterE24
PED1324 Accelerating HIV status disclosure by caregivers of orphans and vulnerable children to lay social welfare volunteers in TanzaniaE-posterD51
PED1317 Accelerated scale up of voluntary medical male circumcision within the Military Health services in Uganda: The race towards 2020 HIV epidemic controlE-posterD73
PEC0664 Accelerated HIV incidence reduction among high-risk adolescent girls and young women in DREAMS (Determined Resilient Empowered AIDS-free Mentored and Safe) in Uganda (2017'2019)E-posterC39
PEE1408 Academic-public health partnerships for data driven implementation science recruitment of youth living with HIV in FloridaE-posterE20
PEE1549 Academic Detailing Institutes as a novel capacity building strategy for United States health departments seeking to expand PrEP prescribingE-posterE33
PEE1467 Absence of antiretroviral drugs in blood samples of adults self-reporting antiretroviral therapy (ART) use in Eswatini is associated with youth, not cost of travelE-posterE26
PEA0072 Abortive viral replication in HIV-infected hepatocytes: Is it Beneficial or Detrimental?E-posterA29
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