PEB0251 Viral C-Terminal region P7 ' P6gag Gag polymorphisms and protease drug resistance mutations profile in HIV-1 infected patients failing protease Inhibitors combination therapyE-posterB35
PDE0304 Violence, confidentiality breaches, and hard to reach clinics impede adolescent treatment adherencePoster exhibitionE20
PED1155 'Violence is everywhere': Building resilience to address linkages between violence against women and HIV in the Middle East and North AfricaE-posterD41
PED0824 Violence is associated with ART non-adherence among adolescent boys and young men in Western KenyaE-posterD12
PEF1839 Violence in public spaces against transgender women in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Aesthetics, race and passabilityE-posterF38
PEF1772 Violence among LGBTQ refugees in urban Kenya and Kakuma camp 2019E-posterF14
PEE1532 Vikela Ekhaya: A novel strategy to enhance household TB contact management in the Hhohho Region, EswatiniE-posterE32
OAB0205 Vesatolimod, a toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) agonist, induces dose-dependent immune responses in HIV controllersOral abstract session with live Q&AB40
PEB0230 Very high baseline HIV viremia impairs efficacy of NNRTI-based ART: A long-term observation in treatment-naïve patientsE-posterB30
PDE0202 Variations in community-based HIV testing outcomes by testing approach: An updated systematic review of the evidence for community-based HIV testingPoster exhibitionE26
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